Keep voting please! In the last week this strip has jumped from having 32 votes to just over 300, and from 98th to 49th in the chart. Thanks everyone! The voting button is on the right and you can vote once per day!

It was a busy weekend, mostly involving work, which wasn’t a lot of fun, but my parents visited yesterday so it was nice to have a few hours to chat with them. My father is allergic to gluten in wheat so it’s difficult to find food sometimes. We went to a pub where they had jacket potatoes on the bar-be-que, but they weren’t allowed to put a potato filling from inside the kitchen (where they had run out of jacket potatoes) into a potato from the bar-be-que. How ridiculous is that? So my father ended up not being able to eat with us. It’s a very odd world.

So, on that very bloggy note, ‘hope you have a good week and I’ll see you for more ducks on Friday. Bye!