100! Woo! This strip is read by around 3000 people per month, so ‘hello’ to you all, and thanks for sticking with the rather odd adventures over the past 100 episodes. I’m still enjoying making them, but feedback is always fun for me so don’t forget that you can post comments below! Honk if you’re having fun!
As an insight: each strip takes between one and three hours to draw. Everything is drawn to look superb at around three times the size and then scaled down to give that polished look. For a change, I usually have few plans beyond the next week of strips (unlike other things that I do where I usually have the next few years planned).
Next week I may be taking a bit of a break, so I may instead create wallpapers giving you a chance to see some of the artwork close-up. Then again, I might be daft and draw some more strips.
This weekend I’m going to the Crawley Circus Convention. I’ve been going for fifteen years, I think, but I only see these people while I’m there. It’s odd to think that I’ve only been in the company of these juggling friends for around a cumulative month, despite knowing them for half my lifetime.
As I said before, I don’t know whether there will be new strips next week, but there will be something of some sort. See you then!
Honk! š
Dammit! I was gonna do that too!
Oh well…
He who honks last, honks hardest.