Happy Friday 13th!
This one took ages to draw! I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m probably putting in too much detail. There are individual drops of paint spattered on the signs, most of them too small to see at this resolution, so from next week I’m going to try and speed up the artwork.
I probably didn’t help myself by returning to a 3D scene I worked with a couple of years ago, relighting it, and using it for the street in the background. Did anyone recognise it?
This weekend I’m planning to spend most of the time working on this year’s Halloween animation for Matazone. You can see the old ones here. ‘The Clown Killer’ is still probably my favourite, but I was very happy with last year’s ‘Something In Throats’ too. I’ll probably stick with the poetry for this year too. I’ve been listening to Edgar Allen Poe audio books, and they’ve made me aware that it’s easier to compress time in poems than it is in prose, because the rhythm of the text can imply passage of time along with the words that you chose to use. This year’s story takes place over several months, but as always I only really have around three minutes to tell it in, so I need to fit a lot into a small space!
Here’s a quick link for a ‘raptop computer‘. If anyone else typed that it would be considered racist stereotyping, so seeing a Japanese website do it is quite weird… Anyway, isn’t it the coolest piece of kit you’ve ever seen? I want one now! (Link source.)
This week has been a good week for book news; William Gibson’s next novel, Spook Country is completed so we’ll be seeing that coming out at some point in the next few months (hopefully, although the current official release date is autumn next year), and I also heard about Richard Morgan’s new book Black Man (UK link US link
) that is being released in a couple of weeks. Woohoo! I love the Richard Morgan books: Altered Carbon (UK link
US link
) is the best thing to come out of the post-cyberpunk genre and an astonishing first novel. If you like sci-fi, you should definitely get a copy! Anyway, Black Man sounds like a new start for Morgan, and the synopsis gives the impression of a mix between Blade Runner and Rogue Trooper, which sounds like a lot of fun to me! Morgan writes combat very well, so I’m really looking for to it!
That’s it from me, have a great weekend. See you on Monday!
Discussion (4) ¬
The background is Hopper’s Pizza from Little Goth Girl’s First Date, right? I haven’t seen that for months, and I instantly recognised it. I have… problems, it seems.
Hahaha, maybe, but I guess it’s not so odd, I have only done one thing in full 3D (although I’ve sneaked in bits in other places where it was going to save time, like the sword in Samurai Lapin episode 4).
I would hereby like to make a formal request for that last frame to be badgeified.