It would be fair to say that this didn’t quite turn out how I had planned it. Really, I had something else entirely in my mind when I started it, but it kept on getting more peculiar the longer I spent drawing it, until it ended up this way. Er…
I had a great weekend. Saturday morning I cried lots at an incredibly upsetting chapter in the book I’m reading. It’s a hard-boiled cyberpunk thriller, so there’s a barnstorming plot, violence, and lots of technology, and then all of a sudden it has some of the most moving writing I’ve experienced in a long time. Surprised? Me? My gods yes. I’ve got 50 pages to go, and I can’t wait to see how it all ends! It’s Black Man by Richard Morgan (also known as Thirteen in the US), and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Buy it in the UK or buy it in the US
I also picked up the new William Gibson novel, Spook Country, (Buy it in the US or buy it in the UK
) which I’m massively excited about reading, but I’ve promised myself I’ll finish Black Man first. It’s a good time for book lovers!
In the evening I went out with friends to celebrate a birthday, then Sunday was spent mostly working on this week’s comic strips. Another busy one. Enjoy the strip, it’s episode 100 on Friday! See you then!
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