This song came on my Matazone station during last week and the idea for this strip made me giggle foolishly to myself. Perhaps it doesn’t make much sense to anyone else, especially those outside of the UK, but Christmas is over now and the (slightly scary) Delia can be put away for another year. Hurrah!

I hope you all had a good time, preferably surrounded by those that you love. I had a lovely time visiting my family and friends, but I’m looking forward to getting back to my own bed too. You never quite sleep the same when you’re not in your own home, I think.

See you on Friday for the first Trouble Down Pit of 2010. Eek!

Audio book short stories: for all those times when two comic strips per week just isn’t enough.

A Kiss on the Palm (Approx 6 minutes – this is the best one, I think)

Salvatore’s Birthday (Approx 5 minutes)
