Lesson for the day: Shakespeare did not write his prose with comic-book speech bubbles in mind. That little chunk in today’s strip looked tiny when nestled snuggly among its fellow lines on the page, but put it into a comic and -fadoom- it’s enormous!

I’m really happy with this week’s strips. I hope you like them too!

Saturday saw me back in Winchester for a friend’s stag night. Heavy balls were lobbed at innocent pieces of wood, pastry covered pig-remains were consumed, and beer was supped. It was very odd being back in the city I spent the last ten years living in. There were good things, friends and the place itself, and bad things, such as I’d forgotten just how many really nuts people there are in Winchester.

So, what fun things have you been up to? Add your comments below!

Buzzcomics reset their server over the weekend, and currently Trouble Down Pit is in danger of falling out of the top 100, so today would be a great day to vote. Thanks! See you Friday!