My Halloween animation went online a few days ago. Click here to watch it! It’s called In A Tall Tower and took about 50 hours to make. It’s around four minutes long but has had lots of lovely responses so give it a watch if you’ve got the time.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about making this comic strip in some form for ages. It’s nice to finally get it done!

This week I’ve been spending my time on various projects. I finally finished the Halloween animation, but I’ve also been doing other bits and bobs. Most importantly for me, I’ve found time to get back to writing my novel. Today I broke the magic 10k words mark so I’m really happy. Yay! It’s been a really good week and I’m excited to see what happens next in the plot; I’m only two chapters in and the characters have already started taking control!

Did you get up to anything fun, like a Halloween party, or something else? Or do you have something cool planned for the weekend? I love reading the comments below, it makes me feel less like these strips are vanishing into a void, so don’t be shy!
Have a great time, and I’ll see you on Monday, when we’ll be rejoining Mercutio, Benvolio, and Tybalt for some death and mayhem. Bye, and please remember to vote!