Some things should be discussed before marriage
Really, that’s not news that you want to hear.
This weekend I have mostly slept. It has been lovely. I have also played a little bit on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (UK link, US link
), which is also lovely. Really good voice acting and script so far, and the control feel nice too. I’m looking forward to spending more time with that.
Oh, and there’s a little thing… I’m 95% done on my novel. Only a few more days and the first draft will be finished. The final sentence came to me tonight so I wrote it down as soon as I could. I can’t wait to fill in the last few bits before I get there. You wouldn’t believe how exciting I’m finding this! See you Friday, when I really hope I’ll have some good news!
Heehee, my mate was caught in that position once… he was 23 and the girl in the bar that he bought home apparently only 15. Man did he scarper.
WOo Hoo, well done on the writing progress, you’ve really been churning.
I love every so often reading the final sentence before the rest of the book. It’s not as bad as reading the whole last page but ther acan be something satisfying… or am I just a bad person? ;o)
I think that makes you a bad person, but that’s just my view. My girlfriend sometimes does that too and I think it’s incredibly bizarre. Most books have a few spare pages at the back for adverts or left blank, and I try to not even see how many pages I have left to go as I read because I even want the exact moment of the approaching ending to be exciting!
Turning the page to see that you’ve only got three paragraphs left to go is one of the thrills of reading, I think.
I suppose it depends on the book. I like trying to figure it out before the end and knowing there’s only a few pages coming hightens the anticipation… or then again maybe not.